How do I interpret the Personality Test?

This article outlines how to interpret the results of the personality test. We measure 22 traits required in the work environment. Below you can see the traits, along with an example of what it means when an individual delivers an average score for each one.

Which traits do we measure?

Authenticity - This individual is likely to be as genuine as most people in their encounters with others. They may share their true thoughts and feelings in some circumstances but not in others. Their motivations may be positive or negative.
Outgoingness - They are as talkative as most and are likely to strike a balance between communicating openly and spending time reflecting.
Compassion - They are as likely as most to forgive others when they feel wronged, and this will likely be dependent on the individual situation.
Conformity - This individual is likely to strike a balance between wanting to fit in and having some eccentricities that make them unique.
Consideration - They are as judgemental as most, seeing both the positives and negatives in people.
Creativity - They are likely to strike a balance between brainstorming new and novel ideas and relying on what is tried and tested.
Curiosity - This individual is likely to wish to learn new things in some circumstances, but in others would prefer to stick to what they already know.

Detail Orientation - This individual is as detail-oriented as most people. They may take extra care in some circumstances but prioritise convenience in others.

Determination - They are as tenacious as most in pursuit of their goals, and are likely to pursue some in the face of obstacles and give up on others.

Empathy - They are as sensitive as most, only sometimes feeling strong or powerful emotions.

Flexibility - This individual is as flexible as most and may be more adaptable in some circumstances and more rigid in others.
Humility - They are as humble as most and may view themselves as superior in some areas, and as typical or inferior in others.
Independence - They are as independent as most people, balancing the need for support from others and the desire for self-sufficiency.
Loyalty - They are as loyal as most, and may feel more connected to certain individuals, organisations, or companies than others depending on their values.
Organisation - They are as organised as most and may keep certain things tidier or more orderly than others.
Patience - They are as patient as most people and may on occasion lose their temper or get irritated with others.
Planning - This individual plans as much as most and may strike a balance between spur of the moment action, and a planned and structured approach, dependent on the situation.
Resilience - This individual is as resilient as most people. They are likely to learn from their mistakes and carry on in some circumstances, and struggle to continue in others.
Self-Discipline - They are more self-disciplined than most, and are likely to stick to their decisions and goals. They are less likely to act on impulse.
Sociability - They are as sociable as most and are likely to strike a balance between time spent with others and time spent alone.
Stress Tolerance - They are as capable as most at tolerating stress. They may experience an impact on their composure and performance depending on the level of stress they are experiencing.
Team Orientation - They are as oriented towards the team as most, and likely enjoy a balance between collaborating with others and working alone.   

What do the scores mean?

The scores are presented in percentiles, created by comparing each candidate against norm groups and other candidates who have taken the test. If a candidate is in the 99th percentile, that means they've scored higher than 99% of people who have taken the test:

If the candidate is in the 15th percentile, they've scored higher than 15% of people who have taken the test:

How have we ensured accuracy?

The traits we've used have been produced with reference to the Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency coefficient for each of the scales. This is looking at how well the items correlate with one another – if someone answers highly on one then they will answer highly on another. 

According to the British Psychological Society a coefficient of 0.7 or above is excellent, and 0.6 and above is good. As we are using scales with a reduced number of items (just four per scale) anything about a 0.6 is a good or acceptable alpha coefficient. 

Of the 22 scales in the final assessment, all receive a coefficient of at least 0.6, with half achieving a coefficient of 0.7 or above. 

Why have we used percentiles not raw scores?

Unlike the aptitude tests, we use percentiles for the personality test. For each of the scales we automatically compare an individual's raw score (the addition of all items answered) to our norm tables to see how their responses compare to the norm group of all the other individuals who've taken the test.

The importance of norm tables becomes clear when we compare across scales. For example, if someone has a raw score of 17 on Conformity, it means they are more likely to conform than most people, and it is likely to be a defining characteristic of them. However, if they had the same raw score on Creativity, this would only put them in the 66th percentile, with a medium score. This means they are as creative as most people. The same raw score will mean different results across the scales.

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