How can I check if someone has completed a test?

You can see how your candidates are progressing through the tests they have been sent either from within the Candidates page, or the Jobs page.

From within your Candidate page, click on the name of the candidate you'd like a progress report from. You can search for their name, or filter by the job they are in the process for.

Once you have selected your candidate, you will be brought into their profile where you will find their results, be able to edit their information or indeed delete them entirely from the platform. Scroll to the bottom of this page and here you will find an overview of how your candidate is progressing with their tests;

You will see the date the test was sent, the date completed or if it remains outstanding or in other words, 'Sent.'

From within your Jobs page, select the job for which you would like a progress report.
Simply scroll down to the bottom of your page where you will find a similar progress status for each candidate in process for this specific role.

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